The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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152 Achieving pH Balance to Treat Specific Ailments

➤ Omega-3, -6, and -9 fatty acids. Nordic Natural makes a
capsule that combines all three of these fatty acids. Take three
capsules daily. Many people rave about the effectiveness of this
formula in relieving arthritic pain.
➤ B complex. Take two to four capsules a day containing 100
mg each of vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , and B 6 and at least 1,000 mcg of
folic acid.
➤ Vitamin B 12 injections. Dr. I. S. Klemes successfully treated
shoulder bursitis with B 12. Since vitamin B is important in nerve
function, B 12 injections might also be effective in treating
fi b r o m y a l g i a.^8
➤ Thyroid extract. Low thyroid function is one of the causes of
arthritis. For natural thyroid supplements, see Chapter 5. If you
have an underactive thyroid, before you begin taking thyroid
medication, have your progesterone levels and parathyroid
checked. Avoid synthetic thyroid medications if possible.
Studies show they increase the risk of osteoporosis.
➤ Calcium microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (800 to 1,200
mg/day). Aside from gelatin, this is the most effective form of
calcium because its tiny molecules can penetrate bone mass.
Take it with its co-minerals and other factors because the
intake of calcium without them can lead to osteoporosis.
➤ Magnesium aspartate (800 mg/day).
➤ Raw egg yolk. Eat one raw egg yolk daily, preferably fertilized
eggs and from chickens that have been fed organically grown
grains to avoid any chance of contracting salmonella. Raw eggs
contain an abundance of pantothenic acid, which most
individuals with arthritis are defi cient in. When guinea pigs’
diets were supplemented with egg yolk, they didn’t develop
allergy-induced arthritis. A good reason for pantothenic acid’s
effectiveness in preventing arthritis is its role in helping the
body to dispose of acidic wastes.

*Take as many of these nutrients as possible in the form of whole-food complexes. For
dosage, follow the directions on the label.
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