The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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Eye Diseases


he eyes can’t function without sunlight, for it’s the sun’s light rays
that carry images through the eye to the screen in the back of the
brain—which is where we see what is around us. If acid waste and free
radicals have accumulated in the lens, clogged the eyes’ drainage canal,
or damaged the retina, the images we see become blurred. If wastes
continue to accumulate, we can lose our sight altogether. Fortunately,
the appropriate diet and nutrients can heal the eye by clearing out the
calcifi ed debris and rebalancing the eyes’ acid-alkaline pH.


Frank is an example of someone who cured his eye problem by taking
a vitamin and avoiding an allergy-causing food. A career army offi cer,
he had been on combat duty in Korea. After the war he returned to the
United States and was sent to an army base in Olympia, Washington.
It was there that he became the victim of a freak accident. Waiting in
the offi ce at army headquarters to obtain some papers, he t urned around
to examine a partition that was being assembled as a room divider.
Frank heard the sound of a drill, but it never occurred to him that the
carpenter was drilling a hole on the other side of the partition he was
looking at. What happened next took place in a fraction of a second.
The drill broke through the composite board with such force that it
went straight through Frank’s eye all the way to the optic nerve and
destroyed his sight in that eye.
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