The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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Alcoholism 183

Foods that were forbidden because of their infl ammatory tendency—
due to the fact that they were not part of their natural diet—were cow’s
milk, meat, fruit, and tomatoes. The fi rst week Isabel and her family
were allowed only two foods: potato and pumpkin soup; the second
week vegetables and brown rice were added; and the third week goat’s
milk to reduce infl ammation caused by meat and cow’s milk. Isabel, her
husband, and her sons were also given vaccines against parasites, and
the doctor swung a pendulum aligned with the liver to increase its fl ow
of energy. Isabel’s sons are still fi ghting alcoholism, but the diet made
it possible for Isabel and her husband, an alcoholic schizophrenic, to
give up drinking by eliminating their nervousness. Isabel stressed that
it was the stabilization of her nervous system that took away her craving
for drink—and cigarettes. Hearing this story, I was reminded that when
I eat a food to which I’m allergic, I become nervous and restless until I
go on an eating binge, which has the same relaxing effect on my nerves
as a drinking spree has on the nerves of an alcoholic. Isabel’s dietary
treatment for her alcoholism was successful because it duplicated the
grain (rice and quinoa), root vegetable, and goat’s milk diet of her

Acidic Waste Triggers Craving for Alcohol

How do acidic wastes from the by-product of alcohol and undigested
food debris set up a craving for alcohol? With the continued consump-
tion of allergy-causing foods, acid particles triggered by histamines pile
up and acidify the blood. The increased acidifi cation of the alkaline
blood pH elicits a reaction from the adrenals. They speed up produc-
tion of the stress-promoting hormones because hyperacidity is taken by
the adrenals as a sign that the body’s survival is threatened. (That’s
because anger and fear also raise blood acid levels.) But because in real-
ity there is no danger, the individual’s urge to be involved in some
physical action has no outlet. This builds tension, which sets up a crav-
ing for anything—food, alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, or
cigarettes—that will relieve the pressure. Which addiction grabs hold
of such individuals depends on where their physical vulnerability lies.
While an alarm reaction, triggered by hyperacidity, initiates the descent
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