The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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6 Acidic Wastes: The Real Culprit

Acidity, Autoimmune Disorders, and Food Allergies

The groundwork is laid for autoimmune disease when the immune cells
decide a particular food is an unfriendly microbe. To “protect” the
body from this “enemy,” the immune cells not only trigger the produc-
tion of histamines but also maneuver an enzyme into making a leak in
the intestines. Those food molecules the immune cells have designated
as hostile, not knowing what the immune system is up to, slip through
these leaks. Once in the general circulation they become sitting ducks
for the immune cells. The latter, however, in the process of disposing
of the food allergens, become infl amed and mutate. In their new guise
the immune cells attack the body’s own protoplasm. Proof that it is not
uncommon for the immune system to be transformed from a “Dr.
Jekyll” to a “Mr. Hyde” is the fact that there are now sixty-three clini-
cally proven autoimmune disorders, including celiac disease, lupus,
rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, type 1 diabetes, and Crohn’s
To prevent autoimmune disease, avoid eating foods that you know
you are allergic to. If you are not sure what these foods are, test yourself
(see the Pulse Test in Chapter 2). Also, keep in mind that any symp-
toms, no matter how removed they seem from those caused by food
allergies, may nevertheless be due to them. The most common reac-
tions caused by histamines are rashes, eczema, swelling, insomnia,
headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, arthritic pain, and sleeplessness.

Acidity and Cancer

While the health of the cardiovascular system is threatened most by inju-
ries infl icted by acid particles in arteries, the other organs of the body—
the liver, pancreas, lungs, and so on—are more likely to degenerate when
acidic wastes accumulate in the nearby capillaries that feed them. Acid
wastes thicken the blood, and the coagulated blood cannot carry the
quantity of nutrients and oxygen the organs need to function effi ciently.
When we refer to the malfunction of organs, we really mean the
abnormal function of the millions of cells that make up each organ.
These cells depend on, among other things, oxygen to manufacture
energy and amino acids for the synthesis of protein and the division of
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