The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Second Edition: An Innovative Program that Detoxifies Your Body's Acidic Waste to Prevent Disease and Restore Overall Health

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Ridding Your Body of Acidic Wastes 23

One of the most impressive cures through food allergy prevention
was that of a multiple sclerosis (MS) patient of Dr. Milo G. Meyer of
Michigan City, Indiana.^8 This MS victim, a young man, smoked non-
stop all day. He was already badly crippled; he was not able to negotiate
the stairs or hold up a baseball bat. After smoking, his pulse rate would
zoom upward from sixty-eight to ninety-two beats per minute. This
convinced him to give up smoking. Five days after he had done so, he
could play baseball with his son and go up and down the stairs without
holding the banister. This man’s complete recovery from MS—four
years later he was still free of the disease—is not an isolated success
story. A report by Coca and Meyer describes the elimination of MS in
fourteen of fi fteen cases by an antiallergy program.
Even if you haven’t been diagnosed with a health problem, if you have
such “minor” symptoms as fatigue, sleeplessness, mild indigestion, dry
eyes, constipation, headaches, or restlessness, you should test yourself
for food allergies, particularly those foods that you eat most often, since
these are the ones you are most likely to have developed a reaction to.

The Four-Day Rotation Diet

The four-day rotation diet, like the grain eater–meat eater diet plans,
improves digestion by optimizing the levels of food-digesting chemi-

and are easier to measure, especially if you take your blood
pressure with an electrical device. (Don’t use a battery-run
blood pressure machine, however, because it gives inaccurate
readings when the battery is running down.) A blood pressure
reading taken one-half hour after eating that is over 135/85,
provided your normal blood pressure is 130/80 or less, is an
indication of an allergic reaction to the food you are testing. Any
time your blood pressure, after eating a particular food, is four or
fi ve degrees higher than it normally is, you know that you are
allergic to that food. The higher the blood pressure reading—like
the more accelerated the pulse rate—the more allergic you are
to it.
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