memory deposit in your Memory Bank is more important
(and more lasting) than making a money deposit in your
(5) Make memories I This is probably the most
important and rewarding thing you ever will do. Before
you can deposit money in your bank, you first must make
that money. So it is with memories. Before you can make
a written memory deposit in your Memory Bank, you first
must make that memory. Often memory material just hap-
pens, but you have to be alert to remember, record and
deposit it in your Memory Bank scrapbook-promptly.
But it's more fun to consciously and delib-
erately make memories that you will want to keep and
treasure throughout the years. Here's how:
( a ) Go to interesting, unusual and memo-
rable places. Take photographs, save picture post cards,
folders, mementos. Put them in your Memory Bank scrap-
book promptly. And be sure to date them. I learned that
from actual experience. I've been to lots of interesting and
memorable places, but because I failed to keep a record of
dates, I can't remember when I went where I It may not
seem important at the time, but in later years you'll find
yourseH wondering, "Now, just when was that?"
(b) Do interesting, unusual and memorable
things. It may seem inconvenient, foolish or foolhardy at
the time; it may require physical or social courage-but
if it will make a memory to keep a lifetime in your Memory
Bank-do it! Then you can say, "The time I rode that ele-
phant.. ... or, "When I went down the rapids of Snake
River on a rubber raft ..... or, "When I asked the Sultan