Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

if he spoke English... " or just, «The best steak I ever
ate was in an out-of-the-way little restaurant in ... ., or
even, "When I wrote the Senator about that, he wrote me
( c) Meet and talk with interesting and memo-
rable people. (Make a note of it in your Memory Bank
scrapbook-with the date.) It is easy to meet and talk with
interesting and memorable people. In fact, this is the one of
the quickest and easiest ways to make memories to put
in your Memory Bank.
There are so many methods of starting con-
versations that they would fill a book. Since that isn't the
subject or purpose of this book, there isn't space to go into
detail, but here is just one of many easy, effective methods
of meeting and talking with interesting and memorable
people: Simply walk up to each of them and courteously
say, "Mr. Blank, I understand that you are an authority
on (name of subject). I would greatly appreciate your
telling me if (question that can be answered briefly)." You
can continue your conversation if the time and situation
seem appropriate. Whether you have a brief or a long
discussion, you will have accomplished your purpose,
which is to meet and talk with an interesting, memorable
person. You will have done that even if the other person
discourteously (which is very unlikely) tells you to go
jump in the lake! What an amusing item for your Memory
( d) If you can't meet and talk with interesting
and memorable people, write to them. Be sure to write
personal complimentary letters which require a (preferably

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