Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

But will not developing the feeling that your
ghost is standing nearby, critically watching you perfonn
each daily task, give you a feeling of self-consciousness?
Frankly, yes. But it will be a beneficial self-consciousness
-not the kind that causes embarrassment, awkwardness,
fear, panic.

And exactly what is "beneficial self-conscious-
ness"? It is deliberate purpose, definite objective, con-
trolled action. It is planned, conscious self-improvement.
It is not aiming in the general direction of your target-
it is consciously, deliberately, aiming directly, accurately,
expertly at your target.
This is the purpose of being your own ghost:
to stand aside and watch with calm, detached objectivity,
your own perfonnance of your daily tasks, with direct
aim at self-improvement.
It is a psychological technique which is simple,
beneficial and a lot of fun I

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