Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

emotional tension, irritation and often severe anguish that
all of us should:
( 1) Learn to avoid resentment.
(2) Get rid of any and all feelings of resent-
ment which we now have (yes, even that pet resentment
we almost enjoy).

It clearly is not intended that this book presume
to be even a partial text on psychology-nor a complete
text on any subject. It is merely a book containing, as
its name describes: "Thoughts To Build On". Its purpose
is to be a thought-starter, to stimulate interesting and, I
hope, constructive thoughts, some of which you may want
to explore further in more comprehensive texts on those

So, within the limitations of the purpose of this
book, let's think about resentment ... how to avoid it ...
and how to get rid of it if it already is in your emotional

Let's start by understanding exactly what re-
sentment really is.
Resentment is an emotional reliving of an un-
pleasant happening of the past. Knowing what resentment
actually is, should help us learn to avoid it, or, having
previously failed to avoid it, learn to get rid of it. More
precisely, resentment is our unfavorable reaction to what
we consider to be an affront to our precious egos or an
attack on our person, relationships or belongings.
Since resentment is a reaction to something
unpleasant which has happened, how do we put a block
between the unpleasant happening and our reaction to it

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