Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

mentally ill. Nevertheless, because of their vast knowledge,
training and experience, they often can cure simple mental
stresses in a few consultations.
Next, your regular doctor is an excellent choice.
General M.D.' s now know a lot about psychotherapy and
your own doctor has the added advantages of knowing a
lot about you. Also, he will know whether you need more
specialized assistance.
In all large cities, social service organizations
provide trained personnel with whom you can talk it out.
The minister of your church has had a lot more
experience in this field than you probably imagine. Large
churches provide the services of a trained, full-time psycho-

Your marriage partner may be an ideal person
with whom you can talk out "what's eating you". His or
her sympathetic understanding may be just what you need.
I have always believed that, like charity, much psycho-
therapy should begin at home.
Or, talk it out with a trusted and sympathetic
friend. But be sure to select the right person (not a gossip)
and don't go around blabbing your intimate personal prob-
lems to everybody who will listen!
Whomever you talk it out with, get whatever is
"eating you" out of your system entirely. Get rid of it! Be
done with it! Then forget it!
That's one way to use TALK... as a way
to health.
Here's another:
If you have a simple psychological problem
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