Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 35

When It Gets Darkest ...

One of the world's greatest historians, having
devoted a lifetime to studying and recording history from
the beginning of civilization, was asked: "What was the
most impOltant thing you learned in your life's study of all
significant historical events?"

He promptly replied, "When it gets darkest,
the stars come out."

I consider that to be one of the most helpful
and inspiring statements of all time I I hope you will re-
member it always, as I have. It will be a deep source of
strength in your own dark hours. "When it gets darkest,
the stars come out."
The proof is so voluminous, it is presumptuous
for me to even begin to list examples. Yet I cannot leave
it here. I cannot resist citing how, in the lives of three of
the greatest men in history, it got darker than most people
realize-and how, by some unexplained miracle, the stars
came out.

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