Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 37

LAUGH ... Your Way Through Life

You meet them everywhere-the Hypersensitive
Ones! They find in every personal comment, a hidden
insult ... in every helpful suggestion, a subtle criticism
... in every conversation, a challenge to debate.

These self-centered individuals find the most
minor duties to be painful burdens, the imaginary weight
of which only can be alleviated by overt recognition and
bountiful praise. Routine activities become magnified proj-
ects. Necessary work is a hated, disagreeable thing to be
endured. Complex plans are overwhelming and are resisted
with undeserved panic.

The Hypersensitive Ones-their tender feelings
are always being hurt and they respond with bitter sarcasm,
unreasonable hostility or pained silence, which wins for
them the questionable consideration and deference best
described by that apt old-fashioned saying: «walking on
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