Chapter 43
Are You Lonely?
There are many people who, by the nature of
their lives, occupations or circumstances, spend consider-
able time alone.
This does not mean that they are lonely.
Being alone may-or may not-contribute to
loneliness. As a matter of fact, people who are subject to
the feeling of loneliness may experience its symptoms
while being in a crowd. Remember the line in the old song,
«I could be lonely out in a crowd"?
Feeling lonely is a neurosis which can intensify
and escalate through various stages of annoyance, irritabil-
ity, depression and finally end up being a full-Hedged
psychosis which psychiatrists call "monophobia".
Since, from its unpleasant early stages to the
extreme morbidness of its monophobia stage, loneliness is
so entirely undesirable-if you experience even its mildest
forms, get rid of itl