Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

provide sufficient directional motivation along with the

Finally, there is a third essential which-to-
gether with inspiration and motivation-must precede
every educational and training process.

You must be given a simple, easy SUCCESS
FORMULA which you can use to achieve whatever you
want in life. It is incredible that people do not understand
the development and use of a success formula. I know of
no college or university, high school or vocational school,
which teaches a real, genuine, sure-fire success formula.
Yet, together with inspiration and motivation, a success
formula is one of the three fundamentals with which useful
education and training must begin.
The government-at all levels: federal, state
and local-is engaged in all sorts of educational and
training programs to help the underprivileged become more
successful. Yet, these government-financed programs
which require billions of dollars of the taxpayer's money,
do not start with providing the underprivileged with the
three fundamentals they must have first before the educa-
tion and training they receive can be meaningful and
Make this simple test. Look at the pictures of
the underprivileged on television or see them in real life
as they live their aimless, hopeless, poverty-retarded exist-
ences. Then ask yourself these simple questions:
( 1) Are the underprivileged INSPIRED with
a positive belief that they can and will succeed in earning
a full share of the abundance of our affluent society?
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