Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 46

When Personal Tragedy Comes

This is not a happy chapter to write-but it
needs to be written in the hope that some day it will
diminish heartbreak into heartache, then gently substitute
the healing of an acceptance which asks not understanding.
Because into each life-sometime-personal
tragedy will come, inevitably, as a part of life ... and
There are explanations of this. Choose one if
it helps. It is not our purpose here to examine explanations,
but to seek relief.
Nor shall we morbidly list personal tragedies
for they are sufficient unto themselves. We shall state
simply that the personal tragedies of our lives are our
losses of things or, more often, of persons, very dear and
very much a part of us.
Then they are gone.
What shall we do? What can we do? What
MUST we do?

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