time to himseH and the effect of his antagonistic environ-
ment on himseH.
Now let's consider what would happen if we
were to reverse the process and externalize ourselves. We
would, insofar as possible, think of others and think in
terms of their needs, desires, hopes, plans, interests and
involvements with life.
We would, insofar as possible, «not exist" in
our own minds. Only others would exist.
Well, what would happen?
Let's consider fear. Fear usually is anticipated
danger to ourselves, our families, friends or possessions.
When we stop thinking about ourselves, we immediately
stop being afraid. Thus we eliminate fear and its related
anxiety and worry.
For example, take the fear of meeting and
talking to strangers. We are SELF-conscious and feel a
sense of anxiety concerning a possible poor impression we
may make and thus damage our SELF-image. But change
SELF -consciousness to OTHERS-consciousness, eliminate
the concern for your SELF-image and the conditions for
fear for yourseH vanish. You are poised, undisturbed, at
ease, unafraid. Obviously, the impression you will make
will be greatly improved.
Now, consider the result of externalizing your-
seH in your conversations. YOU «don't exist". Only
OTHERS exist. So your conversation is entirely about
them, their families, their interests, their successes, their
aspirations. Would not this make you a much more inter-
esting conversationalist to them? And since they naturally