Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 49

Infinity Has No Problems

So you have problems? Troubles? Fears, wor-
ries, anxieties?
Sure you do. But do you know why? It's
because you are a human being and, like all the rest of us,
just aren't big enough, powerful enough, intelligent enough,
not to have problems, troubles, fears, worries and anxieties.
And, unfortunately, neither you nor any of us can ever
be that big, that powerful, that intelligent.
So, that's that. Or... is it?
Perhaps we can get some help. Where? Well,
is there anything which does not have problems? Sure.
Infinity has no problems. Everything works exactly, per-
fectly. Always does. Undoubtedly always has. Every-
thing in the whole universe, from planets to electrons,
works perfectly. No problems. Perfection. That's what
Infinity is ... perfection.
And, Infinity is something else. Infinity is
EVERYTHING. That makes Infinity important-and per-

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