Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 50

Life Is A Mirror

This is going to be a sort of trite chapter-
because I (and others) have written about this truism
often and in many ways. Yet it intrigues me so much that
I must write about it once again.

I am deeply fascinated by the fact that each of
our lives is the exact reHection of our own selves. Life is a
mirror which always reHects what we think, how we feel,
what we do and-especially-what we really are.

It is a sobering thought. It should cause one
to pause in his day's moods to witness his reHection in the
mirror of his life.
As we grow older the picture of our past is
etched in the lines of our faces and illuminated, dimly or
brightly, in the depths of our eyes. The old saying that
others can "read us like a book" might better be expressed
that they can "observe us like a picture" -and almost in-
stantly judge us.
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