Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 51

Inner Pace For Inner Peace

Those, who have thought deeply, have referred
to inner pace in different ways:
« · .. lik e m uHl e d dr urns are b ea t' mg... "
« · .. your persona I' mner r y hthm... "
« • • • your own private pace.. ...
« · .. marc h to your own d rummer ... "
It is this personal, individual pace which offers
our lives stability. To exceed it, is to stir an inner frenzy.
To fall behind this beat within you, is to cause the erosion
of personal deterioration.
You can neither speed it up nor slow it down.
It is your own muHled drum, your own inner rhythm, your
own private pace.
Is conducting your life at your built-in pace a
Not unless stability is a limitation. Not unless
poise and serenity and inner calm are limitations. And they
are not.

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