No wonder Dr. William Osler prescribed:
"Live only one day at a time... live today'"
Divide and conquer!
Divide your life, as Dr. Osler recommended,
into one-day compartments. Shut out all yesterdays. Shut
out all tomorrows. Live only this one day: today! Then
you have only one day's problems to conquer. And any-
body can conquer just one day's problems!
Ask Alcoholics Anonymous. This highly suc-
cessful organization teac:rles: "Do not decide to stop drink-
ing forever. Just decide you will not take a drink today."
Not forever. Just one day. Divide and conquer!
Ask Robert Louis Stevenson. He wrote: "Any-
one can carry his burden, however hard, until nightfall.
Anyone can do his work, however hard, for one day. Any-
one can live sweetly, patiently, lovingly, purely, for twenty-
four hours."
Then begin to divide even more-so that you
can conquer more!
Divide each day into the individual tasks to
be done. Then concentrate on the task you are doing now.
And only that task ... the one you are doing right nowl
Think not about the tasks just completed. Take
the advice of psychologist William James: "When your
decision is made and put into action-dismiss absolutely
all care or responsibility about the outcome."
Think not about the tasks yet to be done. Let
them come each in its time-not rushing at you all together
like an avalanche-but coming in single file, unhurriedly,