Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

In a world which buffets us about-sometimes
gently, sometimes harshly-we would be at the mercy of
relentless, unpredictable and disastrously varying forces,
if we did not accept them calmly, knowing that we could
proceed "in fortune and misfortune, at our own private
pace, like the ticking of a clock in a thunderstorm."

Thus our lives maintain stability. It is this
marching through life, unhurried and undisturbed, to the
muffied beat of our inner drummer, in accord with our own
rhythm, which enables us to keep on course, however
the forces of chance may press against us.

To achieve this stability, to march through the
vicissitudes of life with steady, even persistence requires,
first, that we accept the existence of an inner rhythm which
sets our inner pace. By living at the rate of our own inner
pace, we find inner peace. It is a condition diligently to be

But how to seek it? How to find it? That is
much like asking how to find God. In fact, the two are
interrelated-because rhythm is a part of the Universe.

Light is the result of rhythmiC light waves.
Sound is the result of rhythm sound waves. Electric power
is the result of successive rhythmic impulses. The Universe
consists of the vastness of planets rotating at a precise pace
around their suns-huge demonstrations of their minimized
reproductions in the infinite organization of all matter and
energy. From the largest to the smallest components of
Infinity there is repeated motion-a rhythm, a pace.

To recognize and accept this Universal truth, is
to know that you-as a part of the Universe-have an inner
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