Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 53

Include Yourself In

Having been president of a national advertising
agency and a nationwide public relations finn before I re-
tired, I'd like to pass along, for your consideration and
possible use, a technique of "image building" not gen-
erally known by the public.
It is called: "Including yourself in."
It is applying the "we" attitude to yourself or
your finn or group in association with "other leaders." Of
course you must, in fact, be a leader of at least some con-
sequence,or be worthy of consideration as a leader, to use
the image-building technique of "including yourself in:"
Otherwise you will undermine your credibility, or even
appear ridiculous.
But there are many people, firms and groups
who would be included in and accepted by a group to
which they deservedly could belong if they would always
"include themselves in" and always say "we" in referring
to such a group.

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