and establish their similarity. Similarity is the road to
acceptance. It "includes you in".
The technique, then, is to find similarities with
the group with which you want to be ideritified, then use
the inclusive word: "we" in describing yourseH as a part
of that group.
How others regard you-the "image" they have
of you-is largely under your own control. "Image-build-
ing" is well worth the thought, planning and continuous
effort it requires. Others will respect you and respond to
you in direct accordance with the "image" you have built
of yourseH in their minds. Thus you, yourseH, determine
how others will treat you-for better or for worse.
Perhaps the most rewarding time you can spend
is in deciding what you want to "be" in the judgment of
others, giving full consideration to the consequences
which will result. Then do whatever it takes to be indis-
putably that, being sure to "include yourseH in" those
groups, the accepted membership in which will establish
your ~,. Image ".
Do it conscientiously, do it honestly, do it well,
and the "image" which you build will be real. It will be