Chapter 54
Smile ... ANYHOW!!!
You probably have heard the story of the
woman who was beset with annoyances, problems and
troubles. So she lettered a sign reading: "Smilel" and
fastened it to her bathroom mirror as a reminder. How-
ever, she still was beset with annoyances, problems and
troubles, so she took down the sign reading: "Smile 1"-
and replaced it with a sign reading: "Smile... ANY-
No one is immune to annoyances, problems
and troubles. They are a part of life and, while we may
not enjoy them, they do keep life from being a dull routine.
Just think how boring it would be to sit in a rocking chair
and eat chocolate ice cream all dayl
Fortunately for each of us, there is more to
life than a rocking chair and ice cream existence. Irrita-
tions with which to cope, problems to be solved, obstacles
to be overcome, challenges to be met-all act as stimulants,