Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

useful, amusing, imaginary NOTHING COMPUTER. But
serious trouble can be handled calmly, intelligently by

In addition to the professional warnings of
psychiatrists, psychologists, personality counselors and
many others concerned with personal problems, there are
numerous homespun admonitions against over-reacting
which have come down through the years, such as:

o f water. "

"Don't bum down the bam to kill the rats."
"Don't put out a small fire· with a big bucket

And, we might include a more modem one for
college rioters, "Don't close the college to spite the School

OVER-REACTION in ANGER probably will
hurt you emotionally more than the enemy you surely
will make. By pouring the gasoline of over-reaction in
anger on the temporary flickering flames of displeasure,
you start an inferno of hate which escalates with each
additional bucket of gasoline. And, you make conciliation
more difficult, if not impossible. Your anger will continue
to bum long after your target has shrugged you off as an
undisciplined, uncontrolled hot-head.
OVER-REACTION in GRIEF cuts even deep-
er into the emotional wound and sets up a complex net-
work of deep memory patterns which are so sensitive that
even unrelated future events trigger renewed sorrow.
Since grief is the reaction to an irreplaceable loss, OVER-
REACTION in GRIEF cannot replace the loss, but serves

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