Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 58

Permissiveness Makes Slobs

The pennissive persuaders have had their say.
N ow it's time someone spoke up for discipline.
Physical discipline. Mental discipline. Moral discipline.
Start with physical discipline. I cannot think
of any noteworthy physical accomplishment which has
been achieved without physical discipline. Ask any ath-
lete. Better still, ask any champion. Only the most constant
discipline can produce the physique, the stamina, the co-
ordination-the complete physical ability-to be a cham-
But you don't aspire to be a champion? Then
choose your niche. The choice is up to you. Depending
on how soon in life you start, you can attain whatever
physical perfection your remaining years allow-or through
physical permissiveness, hit skid row. Or, choose any
degree of physical fitness in between.
It's simply a matter of physical discipline-
based on infonnation. The facts of physical fitness are

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