Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

as monuments to his greatness. He designed and super-
vised the building of the magnificent St. Paul's Cathedral
in London for which he will be forever famous.

Of course, you can be prosaic about it and say
Sir Christopher merely changed professions. But I like to
think of him as living a different and second life. Like the
man James Whitcomb Riley wrote about, who said that
now that he had lived his full three score and ten, he had
finally got the hang of living and therefore proposed to do
it over again-only do it better ..

So, Sir Christopher Wren really lived a second
and different life-and lived it better.

This is not unusual. Lots of people have done
it. I mention it only to point up the wisdom in the advice
one hears more and more these days: «DON'T GET

There was a man who lived four different
lives! His name was Dr. Albert Schweitzer. As a Doctor
of Philosophy he was the author of many learned books.
A fulfilling life in itself!

Then he sought a new life in religion. He
studied theology and earned a Doctor's degree in that
subject. He became Curate of St. Nicholas Church in
Strasbourg and there began a different and second life.
But even two rewarding lives were not enough
for Dr. Schweitzer. He loved beautiful music, so he studied
it, mastered it, and earned a Doctor's degree in music.
He went on to become one of the greatest concert organists
of all time!

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