Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

and adult life. Originally venting temper was used as a
means of obtaining an objective; later the bad temper was
retained, not so much to attain minor objectives, which
could not likely be obtained by this method, but because
bad temper had become an emotional habit or pattern.
Dr. Menninger adds that the bad temper habit,
with increased irascibility and irritability, may be activated
by the drinkng of alcoholic beverages. So if you have a
bad temper and a tendency to become irascible and irrit-
able, don't think that a few drinks will make you a genial
But bad temper is just one side of the coin.
The other side is good temper-and there is just as mU
good in good temper as there is bad in bad temper. So f I t
us go to the wise men and again ponder their thoughts.
We'll find a lot of encouragement in the words
of the distinguished English author, Sir Arthur Helps,
"More than half the difficulties of the world would be
allayed· or removed by the exhibition of good temper."
If Sir Arthur had lived a century later and had witnessed
the virulent, ill tempered denunciations which are routine
at the United Nations, he would have insisted that his
words be emblazoned in the assembly room.
Are you sick? Affiicted? Deformed? Or do
you know anyone who is? Then listen to Joseph Addison,
the English essayist, "A cheerful temper will lighten sick-
ness and affliction, and render deformity itself agreeable."
Ladies, as you grow older, how much face
cream do you use? Frankly, I think wrinkles are greatly
to be admired-especially if they are the lines of fine

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