Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 4

How To Handle Unpleasantness And

Solve Problems

Let's face it, there's a lot of unpleasantness in
this old world of ours.

There are unpleasant conditions. There are
unpleasant situations. And there are quite a few unpleas-
ant people (although sometimes they are not as unpleasant
as at others).

The optimist who cheedully assures us that:
«Life is just a bowl of cherries", neglects to add that some
of the cherries may be sour.

Marcus Aurelius, one of the wisest rulers of
the Roman Empire, wrote in his diary: «I am going to
meet people today who talk too much, people who are
selfish, egotistical, ungrateful. But 1 won't be surprised or
disturbed, for 1 couldn't imagine a world without such
peop I e. "

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