Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

And desire depends upon how important it is
to you!

In the fable just told, we learned that the
dog did not catch the fleeing rabbit because the dog was
merely chasing the rabbit for fun. Catching the rabbit was
not important to the dog. But whether or not he got caught,
was important to the rabbit! It was a matter of life or death!
You could foretell the result. The rabbit tried
harder! It was more important to him!
And you can sum it up in one word: DESIREl
Every achievement begins with desire. Have you thought-
fully considered the power of desire? Do you know that
desire will get you just about anything you want in life?

William James, probably the greatest thinker
of modern times, wrote: «If you only care enough for the
result, you will almost certainly attain it. If you wish to be
rich, you will be rich; if you wish to be learned, you will
be learned; if you wish to be good, you will be good. Only
you must really wish these things."

There's the secret of getting what you wantl
You must "care enough" ... you must "really wish"! You
must have desire! And it must be a white-hot desire that
burns itself into your subconscious, that sears its brand on
your every thought and action, that becomes an over-
whelming obession!


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