Throughout the teachings of all great religions,
all great thinkers, all great philosophers, and now, modem
psychologists, are these two monumental facts: ( 1 ) You
can achieve whatever you believe you can, and (2) you
are the result of your beliefs.
ALL the great thinkers throughout history, up
to and including modern times, cannot all be wrong I
William James, famed philosopher and psy-
chologist of Harvard, taught: "Belief creates the actual
f act. "
Emerson, one of the wisest men this nation
has ever produced, wrote: «No accomplishment, no assis-
tance, no training, can compensate for lack of belief."
As famed author Bruce Barton said: «Nothing
splendid has even been achieved except by those who
dared believe that something inside them was superior to
What do YOU dare BELIEVE?