Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

things? To work miracles of happiness and success?
Here's proof!
Suppose you have lost your job. You say, «Yes,
I have lost my job ... BUT ... this releases me to devote
my full time to finding a better job for which I am better
qualified. I might never have had the courage to quit and
thus would have spent my life in a rut ... BUT ... now I
am free to discover what I really want to do in life and get
a job which is satisfying as well as more rewarding."
Note that the little word «BUT" makes the
transition from the negative to the positive, from bad to
Suppose you have lost someone very near and
dear to you. You say, «Yes, it is a heartbreaking tragedy ...
BUT ... I shall admit it is so and cannot be otherwise, I
shall accept what cannot be changed, I shall adapt my life
to what I have accepted as reality and I shall by positive
action lose myself in a cause which is so much bigger than
I am that it also is bigger than anything which has hap-
pened to me."
Note, again, that it is the little word «BUT"
which makes the transition from the negative to the posi-
tive, from tragedy to acceptance and then to self-submerg-
ing action.
Suppose the life goal for which you have stud-
ied, worked and sacrificed, suddenly is snatched from your
grasp and dashed to pieces on the hard rocks of fate. You
say, «Yes, that goal is lost ... BUT ... it is a Law of Life
that when Fate closes one door, Faith opens another, so I

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