Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

If you are afraid you are going to lose your
job, find out the fact from the man who knows-your boss.
Ask what you can do to keep it. You may have faults that
can be corrected. And your boss will appreciate your forth-
right attitude. If losing your job is inevitable, the sooner
you find out about it, the earlier head-start you will have
in looking for a better job.

Remember these sure cures for fear: (a) get-
ting all the facts; and (b) taking immediate, positive action.

can block fear out of your life by establishing in your mind
and emotional system a positive, overwhelming response
to any negative fear you may anticipate. In that way, you
make yourseH fear-proof. For example, I grew up in a
neighborhood where, as a timid boy, I was constantly
"picked on" by bigger, tougher boys. This implanted in my
conscious and subconscious minds, as I grew up, the fear
that others could bully me, "push me around" and, if I
timidly resisted, "beat me up".
So I made myseH fear-proof by learning box-
ing and, later, Judo, Super-Judo, Karate, Aikido, Savate,
Yawara and deadly Kung Fu. That's just about as protected
as any human can get. Even after retirement, I keep in
condition by exercise every day using calisthenics, dy-
namic-tension, isometric-contraction and weight-lifting.
This not only is good for my physical condition, but it is
even better for my mental and emotional condition. I have,
in the field of self-defense, made myseH fearproof, which
not only has given me physical confidence, but is reward-
ing mentally and emotionally.

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