The process of making yourseH fear-proof in
any field which may have the seeds of fear is very satisfying
as well as being personally beneficial. Take swimming, for
example. Suppose you are afraid of the water; afraid of
drowning. You can spend so much time in the water that
you will be perfectly "at home" there-without the least
fear. Get a good swimming instructor. Learn to be an
expert in all the strokes, especially swimming under water.
Learn skin-diving. Learn "drown-proofing", which now is
being taught by the Red Cross and some universities and
which is a simple method of keeping safely afloat for hours
unlimited. Soon you will he as much at ease in the water
as you will be on dry land. You will have become fear-proof
of water and you will have added a most pleasant expe-
rience to your enjoyment of life.
is not the purpose of this book to intrude into your personal
religious beliefs or your lack of them. But any discussion
of the conquest of fear would be incomplete without point-
ing out that more lives have been kept free of fear by deep,
constant religious faith-than by any other method.
This concludes our Conquest of Fear. If you
use one, several, or all of the methods given here for the
elimination of your fear or fears, you will rid your life of
one of its greatest burdens. You will gain a new sense of
freedom and power. You will feel like-and you actually
will be-a Conqueror! A Conqueror of Fear!