Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

( 4) You, with your wonder-drug, will spread happi-
ness wherever you go.
( 5) When giving your wonder-drug, you will get
enough of it on yourseH to make you happy, suc-
cessful, popular and rich.
Since there is a law against making exag-
gerated claims for drugs, we had better be quick with the
proof of the foregoing claims for your wonder-drug.

First, we will have to identify it, give its exact
It is: PRAISE!
What? Such a simple thing as praise, a wonder-
drug which will work miracles?
Yes! PRAISE is a wonder-drug and it will
work miracles! Let's ask one of the foremost psychiatrists
in the world, Dr. AHred Adler. Dr. Adler told his patients
who were the unhappy victims of anxieties, fears and de-
pression, "You can be cured in 14 days if you think con-
stantly how you can please someone."
And what is the best way to please someone?
What is it that people want more than anything else in
the world?
Let's call in another authority, another of the
foremost in the world: the famed William James of Har-
vard, America's greatest philosopher-psychologist. William
James said, "The deepest principle in human nature is the
craving to be appreciated."
The way to satisfy this "deepest principle in
human nature"... this "craving to be appreciated" is by
your praise.
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