Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

(a) Your young, inexperienced, teen-age
daughter insists on staying out on dates as late at night
as she chooses. If you restrict her dating hours, you will
frustrate her desires, which include her status in her group.
The result of the frustration will be shown in her aggressive
attitude toward you, and result in unpleasantness in the
home. However, you prefer that to the social, moral and
other dangers which might result from her late-dating. So
you restrict her dating hours and accept the results of the
-frustration-aggression caused by your restriction.

(b) Racial minorities, whose frustrations are
justified and should be relieved, often have had their
frustrations dramatized and further provoked by power-
seeking leaders. This has caused such rapidly escalating
aggression that they qemand that all their grievances be
redressed "now" -without regard for the chaos, frustrations
and counter-aggression their threats and urgent demands
have on the community. Many communities have not been
panicked nor stampeded, but have chosen to restrain the
frustration-aggression of the incited minority groups, while
patiently and intelligently working to solve their problems
with moderation and temperance-through cooperation.
( c) In international relations, certain coun-
tries, greedy for more territory and power, have claimed
territory belonging to other countries. They incite frus-
tation and aggressiveness among their own people and use
this as a basis of threats. Nations capable of defending
their presently established boundaries would be foolish
indeed to succumb to such pressures of self-incited frustra-
tion-aggression on the part of their neighbors. It would
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