Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 14

Plant Quarters-Reap Happiness

Did you ever find money?
When you were walking along a sidewalk or
through a parking lot or in the aisle of a store, have you
ever glanced down and found a bright, shiny quarter?
If you have unexpectedly found a quarter,
think back and try to recall exactly how pleasantly surprised
and happy you felt. You picked it up, perhaps looked at it
for a moment with a feeling of being lucky, and maybe
even told others of your good luck. Many people keep the
money that they find. They put it in a special place as
tokens of their good luck and as reminders that they are
Now, actualy there isn't anything very impor-
tant about unexpectedly finding a quarter.
Or is there?
It isn't the value of the money. A quarter won't
buy much these days. The value is in feeling that-suddenly
-you are lucky! It may even start you feeling that now

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