You simply cannot think that rapidly with your
conscious mind, so that job is delegated by nature to your
subconscious mind which operates at miraculous speed
and with perfect accuracy. In fact, your subconscious mind
directs almost everything you think, feel or do-from
operating your heartbeat to providing the goal-seeking
procedure by which you make a fortune if that's what
you instruct it to do.
Let's see how you practice in your imagination
(by using your subconscious mind) in sports. Take bowl-
ing. First, you must learn how to bowl with as perfect
form as possible. You do this by taking lessons from an
expert, by watching champions bowl and by studying the
many excellent self-instruction books written and illustrated
by the best bowlers in the world.
Then, having thoroughly learned exactly what
to do, you practice. You practice in two ways: (1) Actual
practice by really bowling (preferably under the watchful
eyes of an expert instructor). ( 2 ) You practice each move-
ment in your imagination, over and over again-having
first learned to do it perfectly. It is absolutely essential
that you know how to do it perfectly, before you practice
in your imagination, because that's exactly how you will
do it in the future.
How do you practice in your imagination?
First, you relax in an easy chair in a quiet room away from
all distractions. (You don't have to, but it's best.) Then
you, mentally, take each perfect movement at a time and
consciously visualize your performing that movement to
perfection .. Over and over again.