Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

of belief (confident THOUGHT)."

Then, Henry Ford, "Whether you THINK you
can or THINK you can't-you are right."

So ... our THOUGHTS determine what we
are and what we will be; our THOUGHTS are our source
of personal power; our THOUGHTS are the principal
means of our successful achievement, and reveal it as Wil-
liam plumer said, "THOUGHTS, even more than overt
acts, reveal character."
And, as if all that were not enough,
THOUGHTS can bestow upon us the gifts of happiness
and pleasures.
From the ancient wisdom of Marcus Antoninus,
"The HAPPINESS of your life depends upon the quality
of your THOUGHTS."
Are you lonely? Sir Sidney wrote, "They are
never alone who are accompanied by pleasant
Bishop John Williams advised, "Garner up
pleasant THOUGHTS in your mind, for pleasant
THOUGHTS make pleasant lives."
Another clergyman, Charles Hadden Spurgeon,
used to preach that, "Good THOUGHTS are blessed
guests and should be heartily welcomed."
And Robert South taught that, "Nothing is
comparable to the pleasure of an active and prevailing
But, perhaps, the pleasure of THINKING was
best expressed by the wise and much-quoted lawyer of

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