Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

upside down. Be like the man who wrote God a letter
and resigned as Manager of the Universe. Or as janitor!
He really didn't have to resign because he never
was appointed. Nor was I! Nor were youl

He took the vast problems of humanity and
heaped them in his wheelbarrow. Then he pushed his
burden around with him wherever he went. He was un-
qualified, incapable and in no position whatever to solve
these vast problems. (Nor am I. Nor are you!)

And when other people saw that here was a
man going around collecting problems, they added their
problems to his load. And he added quite a few of his own.
Eventually his burden grew too heavy to bear. Both he
and his wheelbarrow were about to break down, when he
finally showed at least as much sense as the patient in the
mental institution-he turned his wheelbarrow upside
down! And he got instant relief from the useless pressure
and worry of burdens which were not even his!
This is not a plea for indifference to the prob-
lems of others if your personal involvement can help. This
is a plea for selectiVity. You cannot solve all the world's
problems, so why worry about them? Nobody elected me
President of the United States, yet too often I find that I
have assumed the burdens of the Presidency. I worry
about what the President should do about this and what
about that. Why? Why should I assume the worries and
burdens of a job I don't want, wouldn't have, and couldn't
get? Yet I worry as much about what the President ought
to do as he does. So I'm turning my wheelbarrow upside

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