Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1

How to be a better leader

Leadership is the process of inspiring individuals to give of their
best to achieve a desired result. It is about getting people to move
in the right direction, gaining their commitment, and motivating
them to achieve their goals. According to Warren Bennis and Bert
Nanus (1985): ‘Managers do things right, leaders do the right


Leaders have two essential roles. They have to:

  1. Achieve the task – that is why their group exists. Leaders
    ensure that the group’s purpose is fulfilled. If it is not, the
    result is frustration, disharmony, criticism and eventually,
    perhaps, disintegration of the group.

  2. Maintain effective relationships– between themselves and the
    members of the group, and between the people within the
    group. These relationships are effective if they contribute to
    achieving the task. They can be divided into those concerned
    with the team and its morale and sense of common purpose,


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