Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1

To manage stress in others you need to do the following.

■ Be aware of organizational policies and procedures as set
out above, and be prepared to implement them for your own
■ Tailor your demands on people according to their capacities

  • it is a good idea to agree stretching targets but they must be
    achievable (with effort but without undue stress) by the indi-
    vidual concerned.
    ■ Look out for symptoms of stress and try to establish the
    cause as the basis for alleviating them.
    ■ If an individual is under stress because of undue pressure,
    try to adjust demands to a more reasonable level, possibly by
    redesigning the job or transferring duties to someone else.
    ■ Be prepared to listen and respond to individuals who
    complain of being over-stressed – you don’t have to accept
    what they say but you should certainly hear them out.


If you feel that you are unduly stressed, here are 10 things you
can do:

  1. Try to establish why you are stressed – are there any specific
    causes or is it a general feeling that the work is getting on
    top of you?

  2. Talk to someone about it – your boss (if likely to be sympa-
    thetic), colleagues, HR, friends, your partner.

  3. If the stress is serious, ask if the organization can provide
    advice from a professional counsellor.

  4. Discuss your workloads and deadlines with your boss to see
    if they can be alleviated in any way.

  5. Consider if there is any scope to delegate more work to your

  6. Decide what is beyond your control and put it firmly to one
    side. Focus on what is within your sphere of influence and
    get on with it.

How to Manage Stress 185
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