■ did not receive adequate support or guidance from their
■ did not fully understand what they were expected to do;
■ could not do it – ability;
■ did not know how to do it – skill;
■ would not do it – attitude.
- Decide and agree on the action required.Action may be taken by
the individual, the manager or both parties. This could
■ taking steps to improve skills – joint;
■ changing behaviour – this is up to individuals as long as
they accept that their behaviour needs to be changed. The
challenge for managers is that people will not change
their behaviour simply because they are told to do so.
They can only be helped to understand that certain
changes to their behaviour could be beneficial not only to
the organization but also to themselves;
■ changing attitudes – changing behaviour is easier than
changing attitudes, which may be deep-rooted; the
sequence is therefore to change behaviour first, so far as
this is possible, and encourage attitude changes later;
■ providing more support or guidance from the manager;
■ jointly clarifying expectations;
■ jointly developing abilities and skills in the sense that
individuals may be expected to take steps to develop
themselves but managers may provide help in the form of
coaching, additional experience or training;
■ redesigning the job.
Whatever action is agreed, both parties must understand
how they will know that it has succeeded. Feedback arrange-
ments can be made but individuals should be encouraged to
monitor their own performance and take further action as
- Resource the action.Provide the coaching, training, guidance,
experience or facilities required to enable agreed actions to
- Monitor and provide feedback.Both managers and individuals
monitor performance, ensure that feedback is provided or
How to Manage Under-performers 203