obtained and analysed, and agree on any further actions that
may be necessary.
If poor performance persists, it may be necessary to invoke a
disciplinary procedure. Make sure that you have got all the facts
and then use the following approach:
- Give employees notice that the interview is going to take
place so that they can be prepared and can get a representa-
tive to accompany them. - Arrange for a colleague to be present to help conduct the
interview and to take notes. - State the complaint to the employee, giving chapter and
verse and giving supporting statements from other people
involved where appropriate. - Allow employees to give their side of the story and call any
supporting witnesses. - Question employees and their witnesses and allow them to
do the same. - Allow time for a general discussion on the issues raised and
any other relevant issues. - Give employees an opportunity to have a final say and
mention any mitigating circumstances. - Sum up the points emerging from the meeting as you see
them, but allow employees to comment on them and be
prepared to amend your summary. - Adjourn the meeting so that you can consider your decision
on the basis of what came out in the interview. It is best not
to announce the decision during the initial meeting. The
adjournment may be only half an hour or so in a straightfor-
ward case. It could be longer in a more complex case. - Reconvene the meeting and announce your decision.
- Confirm your decision in writing.
You should always try to help someone to improve, and if there
204 How to be an Even Better Manager