Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1

  1. Accentuate the positive and build on what you know and
    can do and have already achieved.

  2. Assess your strengths and work out how you can use them
    more effectively in the future.

  3. Assess your weaknesses (but don’t dwell on them) and what
    you need to do to overcome them.

  4. Although it is good to assess your strengths and weak-
    nesses, avoid too much introspection – get into action.

  5. Seek the views of those you respect on what action you
    should take.

  6. Be clear about where you want to go and how you are going
    to get there.

  7. Enlist support from others in achieving your plans.

  8. ‘Realise it’s not the end of the world’. (Guy Browning)

214 How to be an Even Better Manager

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