Better Manager 7th prelims:Better Manager 7th edition

(Ron) #1

■ Overall help and hindrance to the effective operation of the

  1. Work reviews

■ How well the team has functioned (a checklist for analysing
team performance is given below).
■ Review of the individual contribution made by each team
■ Discussion of any new problems encountered by team

  1. Group problem solving

■ Analysis of reasons for any major problems.
■ Agreement of steps to be taken to solve them or to avoid
their recurrence in the future.

  1. Update objectives and work plans

■ Review of new requirements, opportunities or threats.
■ Amendment and updating of objectives and work plans.


  1. How well do we work together?

  2. Does everyone contribute?

  3. How effectively is the team led?

  4. How good are we at analysing problems?

  5. How decisive are we?

  6. How good are we at initiating action?

  7. Do we concentrate sufficiently on the priority issues?

  8. Do we waste time on irrelevancies?

  9. To what extent can people speak their minds without being
    squashed by other team members?

  10. If there is any conflict, is it openly expressed and is it about
    issues rather than personalities?

292 How to be an Even Better Manager

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