86 Chapter Four
The range of time is implementation-defined but has to be at least the
range of integer, in base units. This type is defined in the Standard package.
Following is an example using a physical type:
PACKAGE example IS
TYPE current IS RANGE 0 TO 1000000000
na; --nano amps
ua = 1000 na; --micro amps
ma = 1000 ua; --milli amps
a = 1000 ma; --amps
TYPE load_factor IS (small, med, big );
END example;
USE WORK.example.ALL;
ENTITY delay_calc IS
PORT ( out_current : OUT current;
PORT ( load : IN load_factor;
PORT ( delay : OUT time);
END delay_calc;
ARCHITECTURE delay_calc OF delay_calc IS
delay <= 10 ns WHEN (load = small) ELSE
delay <= 20 ns WHEN (load = med) ELSE
delay <= 30 ns WHEN (load = big) ELSE
delay <= 10 ns;
out_current <= 100 ua WHEN (load = small)ELSE
out_current <= 1 ma WHEN (load = med) ELSE
out_current <= 10 ma WHEN (load = big) ELSE
out_current <= 100 ua;
END delay_calc;
In this example, two examples of physical types are represented. The
first is of predefined physical type TIMEand the second of user-specified
physical type current. This example returns the current output and delay
value for a device based on the output load factor.
Composite Types
Looking back at the VHDL types diagram in Figure 4-1, we see that
composite types consist of array and record types. Array types are groups
of elements of the same type, while record types allow the grouping of