214 Chapter Eight
‘ 1 ’, — RX
‘ 0 ’, — F0
‘ 1 ’, — F1
‘ 1 ’); — FX
RETURN nine_2_bit(t);
END nine_val_2_bit;
FUNCTION “AND”(l,r : t_nine_val) RETURN BIT IS
RETURN (nine_val_2_bit(l) AND nine_val_2_bit(r));
FUNCTION “AND”(l :BIT; r : t_nine_val) RETURN BIT IS
RETURN ( l AND nine_val_2_bit(r));
FUNCTION “AND”(l : t_nine_val; r : BIT) RETURN BIT IS
RETURN (nine_val_2_bit(l) AND r);
END p_logic_pack;
The package p_logic_packdeclares three overloaded functions for the
ANDoperator. In one function, both input types are type t_nine_val.In
the other two functions, only one input is type t_nine_val, and the other
input is type BIT. All functions return a result of type BIT. Notice that, to
overload the ANDoperator, the syntax is the same as overloading the +
operator from the previous example.
When the ANDoperator is used in a model, the appropriate function is
called based on the types of the operands. In the following code fragments,
we can see the differences:
SIGNAL a, b : t_nine_val;
SIGNAL c,e : bit;
e <= a AND b;
-- calls first function
e <= a AND c;
-- calls third function
e <= c AND b;
-- calls second function
By having three functions called AND, we do not need to worry about
which side of the operator an expression resides on. All of the possible