232 Chapter Nine
Gate Level
Figure 9-1
Gate Level Netlist
These gate level netlists currently can be optimized for area, speed,
testability, and so on. The synthesis process is shown in Figure 9-1.
The inputs to the synthesis process are an RTL (Register Transfer
Level) VHDL description, circuit constraints and attributes for the design,
and a technology library. The synthesis process produces an optimized gate
level netlist from all of these inputs. In the next few sections, each of these
inputs is described, and we discuss the synthesis process in more detail.
Register Transfer Level Description
A register transfer level description is characterized by a style that spec-
ifies all of the registers in a design, and the combinational logic between.
This is shown by the register and cloud diagram in Figure 9-2. The reg-
isters are described either explicitly through component instantiation or
implicitly through inference. The registers are shown as the rectangular
objects connected to the clock signal. The combinational logic is described
by logical equations, sequential control statements (CASE,IF then ELSE,
and so on), subprograms, or through concurrent statements, which are
represented by the cloud objects between registers.