VHDL Programming

(C. Jardin) #1

300 Chapter Twelve



Memory Data
Figure 12-6
Block Copy

starting address. This instruction loads register 2 with the destination
address for the block copy. The destination is at 30 hex or 48 decimal.
These load instructions are load-immediate instructions, which load the
next memory location into the register specified in the instruction.
The final setup instruction is at memlocation 04. This instruction loads
the last address of the memory block to be copied. This register signals
the block copy routine when to stop the copy operation. After this instruc-
tion has been executed, all of the registers have been set up for the block
copy operation, and the copy loop can start.
Instruction 6 is the start of a loop of instructions that perform the copy
operation. Instruction 6 copies the contents of the memory location whose
address is contained in register 1 to register 3. Instruction 7 copies the
data in register 3 to the memory location specified in register 2. After
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